We start off with a young girl named Hannah. Hannah Stern who lives with her parents and brother. One evening they attend a special dinner in which Hannah does not want to go. When she gets there she has to hear stories from the Holocaust which bore her. As she excuses herself from the dinner table and opens a door, she is taken back in time to 1942 in Poland. She insist that her name is Hannah and she lives in the United States. As she's back in time, she tries to tell the Jews what to do because she knows the story. As she works her ways through the days in the camp, she meets a lot of people she can relate to. They also do some Jews would do like steal, hide, etc. As time passes, Hannah and her friends are separated into two groups. Since Hannah knows the outcome, she tries to change it and as she does, she is taken back to present day. How did everything happen? Read it.
The genre of The Devil's Arithmetic is historical-fiction. How can I tell? Well, it takes place back when the Holocaust began and ended. One way you know it was a historical book. Fiction on the other hand you can tell because how can Hannah be transported back into time to Poland in 1942? Weird. Maybe the names the author used were real but we don't know for a fact. And some of the things Hannah does with her friends in the camp, Jews in real life could've done them like steal and hide.
When you're continuing with a summary, you don't need to repeat what you already wrote. Just start from where you left off and summarize what has happened since your last post.